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Come join us every Saturday morning at either of our two services as we worship Him before His throne.

We have an 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM service with Sabbath School groups for all ages meeting in between services from 10:20-11:20 AM.


Worship at Centerville is about giving praise and honor to our Savior and Creator. We strive to reverence Him because He is holy. Revelation 14 says it all in verse 7, “…worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” Worship should be about Him and not about us. The final events on planet earth are centered around worship. We are most blessed when we come together and praise His holy name.

Our Sabbath School groups are listed below. Upon arriving we can help direct you to the appropriate group.

Adult Class Locations

Santuary Class - (Sanctuary)
Peebles Class - West Overflow Room
Berean Class - Conference Room
Revelation Study Class - East Overflow Room
Young Adults - West Fellowship Hall
Working Professionals & Parents - East Fellowship Hall

Youth & Children's
Class Locations

Cradle Roll (Age 0-2) - Room 122 (East Wing)
Beginners (Age 2-4) - Room 123 (East Wing)
Kindergarten (Age 4-7) - Room 125 (East Wing)
Primary 1 (Grade 1-2) - Room 126 (East Wing)
Primary 2 (Grade 3-4) - Upstairs Room 202 (West Wing)
Junior (Grades 5-6) - Upstairs Room 201 (East Wing)
Earliteens (Grade 7-8) - Pastor Medina's Office (East Wing)
Youth (Grades 9-12) - Room 124 (Youth Room)
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Centerville SDA Church
456 W. Spring Valley Pike
Dayton, Ohio 45458
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